Building process

Everything you need to know about commercial remodeling

So you’re considering remodeling your commercial space? There are several factors to consider before embarking on a project like this. Should you opt for a full renovation or make cosmetic changes? How much will it cost? Will your business need to close during construction? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about commercial remodeling, enabling you to make informed decisions for your business. We will discuss your options, budgeting, timelines, and provide tips to minimize disruption. By the end, you’ll feel fully prepared to confidently undertake a commercial remodel.

What Is Commercial Remodeling?

Commercial remodeling refers to the renovation or reconstruction of an existing commercial building space, like an office, retail store, or restaurant. The goal is to improve the functionality, appearance, and overall design of the space.

Types of Commercial Remodeling

There are several types of commercial remodels:

  1. Interior remodels: This includes things like reconfiguring floor plans, upgrading lighting and flooring, painting walls, replacing furniture, and improving storage. It aims to modernize and reinvigorate the space.
  2. Exterior facade upgrades: This includes enhancing the outside of the building with elements like new siding, windows, entryways, signage, and landscaping to improve curb appeal.
  3. Expansion: Adding on to an existing space by building out or up. This could include adding more offices, retail areas, dining space, or parking.
  4. Major renovations: Extensive overhauls that combine interior and exterior remodeling with upgrades to things like plumbing, electrical systems, heating and cooling, and the building’s structure or layout.
  5. Conversions: Transforming a commercial building for an entirely new purpose, e.g. turning an old warehouse into offices or a factory into apartments. This requires changes to comply with new building codes.

Commercial remodeling is a big investment, but it can significantly boost a business by enhancing functionality, improving efficiency, reducing costs, increasing capacity, and generally providing an improved experience for customers and employees. With some vision and the help of experienced contractors, a commercial remodel can take your business to the next level.

Reasons Businesses Choose to Remodel

There are several reasons why business owners opt for commercial remodeling projects:


Remodeling an existing space is often more budget-friendly than constructing a new building. Upgrading fixtures, making structural changes, and improving layouts allow companies to save money while still enhancing their facilities.

Increased Functionality

A commercial remodel provides an opportunity to reconfigure spaces to better suit current needs. Maybe your business has outgrown its original floor plan or you need to accommodate new equipment. Remodeling lets you knock down walls, re-purpose areas, and ensure maximum efficiency.

Improved Aesthetics

Giving your business a facelift through a remodel can do wonders for your company’s image. You can choose trendy color palettes, stylish furnishings, decorative accents and an overall cohesive design to create an environment that appeals to customers and employees alike. Studies show that attractive spaces actually increase productivity and sales.

Tax Incentives

In some areas, commercial remodeling projects may qualify for tax deductions or credits. Check with your local government to see if any incentives are offered for improving energy efficiency, accessibility, or historic preservation. The savings can help offset renovation costs and benefit your bottom line.

Increased Property Value

Remodeling your commercial space adds value that translates to a higher asking price if you ever decide to sell. Modernizing critical things like wiring, plumbing and HVAC systems, as well as enhancing curb appeal are significant value boosters for potential buyers. Your investment in remodeling today could mean big returns tomorrow.

With so many benefits to commercial remodeling, it’s easy to see why so many business owners take on renovation projects. By improving functionality, esthetics and cost-efficiency, you can create commercial spaces that thrive for years to come.

How to Find the Right Commercial Remodeling Contractor

Finding the right commercial remodeling contractor for your business is key to a successful project. Here are some tips to help you choose a contractor you can trust:

Check References and Reviews

Ask the contractors on your shortlist for references from previous clients. Call a few of them to get honest feedback about the contractor’s work, timeliness, budget adherence, and professionalism. Also, check online reviews on sites like Yelp or the contractor’s Google Business profile. Look for a proven track record of quality work and high customer satisfaction.

Compare Bids in Detail

Don’t just go with the lowest bid. Compare the bids closely to understand what’s included and the quality of materials. Ask questions about anything that’s unclear. Look for bids that are comprehensive, professional, and within your budget. Be wary of any bid that seems too good to be true.

Verify Credentials and Insurance

Choose a contractor with proper credentials like a license, certification, or accreditation for commercial remodeling or general contracting. They should also carry general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance to protect you in case of any job site accidents or property damage. Ask for proof of current insurance before signing a contract.

Meet in Person

Sit down with a few of the top candidates in person to get a feel for how they communicate and if you connect. Discuss the full scope of your project, goals, and priorities. See if they take the time to understand what you want and offer good suggestions. Choose a contractor you feel confident will be a trustworthy partner throughout the remodeling process.

Get a Detailed Contract

Insist on a written contract that spells out the full scope of the work, schedule, total cost with all fees included, payment schedule, and legal terms before the project starts. Review it carefully with the contractor and don’t sign until all your questions have been answered and you feel comfortable with the details. The contract should represent what you’ve agreed to so there are no surprises during the remodeling!

The Commercial Remodeling Process Step-by-Step

The commercial remodeling process typically follows a series of logical steps to keep the project on time and budget. Here’s what you can expect if you embark on a commercial remodel:

Planning and Design

The first step is developing a plan for how you want to remodel the space and what you want the end result to look like. Work with an architect or designer to draft layout options, choose materials, fixtures, and finishes, and determine a budget. If permits are required, file the necessary applications with your city or county.

Selecting a Contractor

Hire a licensed and insured general contractor who specializes in commercial construction to oversee the remodeling work. Interview multiple contractors, check their references, and get written estimates for the entire project. Make sure you understand the scope of work, timeline, and total costs before signing a contract.


Before the contractor breaks ground, they will finalize plans, submit them for permits if needed, order any necessary materials and supplies, and schedule equipment and crews. Take this time to temporarily relocate any equipment, furniture or other items in the space to prepare for the demolition and construction.

Demolition and Construction

This is the messiest part of a remodel where crews gut the existing space and rebuild the new layout. Construction typically follows the phases of: demolition, framing, electrical, plumbing, drywall, flooring, millwork, and finishing. There may be periods of downtime waiting for inspections between phases. Expect noise, dust, and restricted access during active work.

Final Touches and Wrap Up

Once construction is complete, the space will get a final cleaning and any remaining details like painting touch-ups, hardware installations or signage will be finished. Do a final walkthrough with the contractor to get the occupancy permit and officially take over the newly remodeled commercial space!

The key to a successful commercial remodel is meticulous planning, hiring experienced professionals, maintaining open communication, and staying patient through the demolition and construction. But the end result of a newly customized space makes the process well worth it.

Costs and Considerations for Commercial Property Remodeling

Commercial remodeling projects can vary greatly in cost depending on the scope of work. Several factors will determine how much you’ll end up paying for your commercial remodel.

Size and Square Footage

The larger the space and more square footage involved, the higher the price tag. Remodeling a small office or shop will cost significantly less than renovating an entire floor or building. Get accurate measurements of the area(s) involved before starting the planning process.

Materials and Finishes

Higher quality, premium materials and finishes like stone, wood and tile will increase costs. More basic options like laminate, vinyl and carpet are more budget-friendly. The specifics of your building’s infrastructure, like electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems, will also affect the bottom line. Upgrading these systems adds to the total cost.

Permits and Licensing

Don’t forget to factor in the cost of permits, licenses, and inspections required for commercial construction in your city or county. Permit fees are often based on the value of the remodel, so more complex projects will have higher permitting costs. Hiring licensed contractors and architects also adds to the total price.


The timeline of your remodel plays a role in the overall cost. Longer, more involved renovation projects often end up costing more due to increases in material and labor prices over time. Planning and completing a remodel efficiently in a shorter time frame can help contain costs.

Contractor Fees

The majority of costs for any remodel go toward contractor and labor fees. More experienced contractors and specialized tradespeople like electricians, plumbers and HVAC technicians charge higher hourly rates, driving the total price up. Get multiple bids from contractors to compare.

With some upfront planning, you can budget effectively for your commercial remodel project. Make choices that balance your needs, timeline and available resources for the best possible outcome. Keeping costs in check from the beginning will ensure your renovation stays within budget.

Are you ready to remodel your business?

When done correctly, a commercial renovation can completely transform your space and have a positive impact on your business. However, it does require careful planning and working with experienced professionals to execute it properly.

Now that you’re armed with this information, you can start envisioning how you want to improve your commercial space. Perhaps you can remove some walls to open up the floor plan, upgrade the lighting fixtures for a more modern look, or revamp your office layout for improved functionality. The possibilities are endless.

The most important thing is to find a design and contractor that meet your needs, timeline, and budget. With the right team by your side, your commercial remodel will be a success, and you’ll be enjoying your new and improved space in no time.

If you’re ready to take the next step and transform your commercial space, don’t hesitate to contact Rick Somers Construction. Our experienced team can guide you through the entire remodeling process and bring your vision to life.